Monday, December 26, 2005

My First Poem

The speed limit on the interstate is seventy-five miles per hour; top speed now was five miles per hour. My fifty-five minute commute was now at an hour and a half. I had missed one meeting and stood a good chance of being late for another. I was getting mad.

So, I asked myself – “Self, beside set here and getting mad, what can you do?” Suddenly it dawned on me, write a poem. Now, that’s a pretty unique thought since I had never had it before. Okay . . . a poem about what? I thought for a moment and decided with Christmas only two days away a Christmas poem was in order.

For people like Les Morrow, an outstanding Cowboy Poet, it might be easy. But, for me, it wasn’t. I mean the first thing to do was think of words that rhyme. Then figure out what to do with them.

Suddenly, I was off the interstate and back to ‘normal’ driving speed. I was now upset because I had to concentrate on driving again. Then I realized I had spent forty-five minutes working on my poem. It was eleven stances (I think that is the right word). All caught on a little tape recorder I carry.

It goes with a post I made on December 11, about Christmas Decor. Let me know what you think.

Cartridge in a Bare Tree

‘Twas Christmas day when I heard, “What the hell?
Out in our tree is a shotgun shell”.

My decorations were noticed now by my son;
I told him not to worry it had been through the gun.

He turned and smiled and looked at me;
As I explained the cartridge in a bare tree.

He walked away shaking his head;
But I knew that more had to be said.

I told of the morning a neighbor had little to do;
He stopped by to see if I was tipping a few.

I mentioned how people stopped just to stare;
When they noticed my decoration hanging out there.

Up until now, Tiffany been pretty mellow;
But she now wondered, “Why’s the shell yellow?”

Yellow’s the color shot with a twenty gauge;
A decoration we can pass down from age to age.

I told how her Mother didn’t like it at night;
She really thought it needed a big spotlight.

Then she asked why I didn’t hang up just a few more;
I don’t want them commercialized and sold in a store.

Well, Christmas is over it is plain to see;
Time to take the cartridge out of the bare tree.
Pictured are Char supervising as Nathan holds the shell and Tiffany “removes” the decoration from Christmas 2005.


Blogger Cliff said...

A lovely entry. We shall begin calling you Baxter Campbell.
It's been a long time since I saw Nate. He's looking fairly dapper.

5:49 AM  
Blogger Dan said...

Good stuff Ralph. I was trying to make it rhyme, and I couldn't, I thougth, this is a wierd poem, then I realized I was reading the paragraph introducing the poem. I like it.

7:16 AM  
Blogger Rachel said...

Great poem Ralph. You are so creative!

What is the yellow thing (matches the cartridge though) in the background that looks like it's on top of a hill??

9:07 AM  
Blogger Ralph said...

That is the top of my neighbors house. The yellow thing is a cover for their swamp cooler. I lot of people in Colorado use swamp coolers rather than air conditioners.
I never noticed it in the picture before - good eye.

9:19 AM  
Blogger Aravis said...

Great poem Ralph! I like the touch of the accompanying photo. You have a beautiful family. :0)

12:02 PM  
Blogger Rachel said...

Ralph, I thought that mountain was perfectly pointed! Ha! I never heard of a swamp cooler before. I thought you were making that up, so I looked it up and there is such a thing! Now see what I learn by reading your blog!

8:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad you're putting that road rage to work. Good job. You're a poet, and we didn't know it.

1:39 AM  

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