PERMaNET Solution
It started on December 12, when I posted a story titled,” Gone But Not Forgotten”. Then Cliff wrote,” In Defense of My Good Friend Ralph...if it please the court” on December 15. So, if you have not read these please do so right now and then hurry back for the thrilling conclusion to PERMaNET.
Cliff ended his posted by saying,” Ralph, you've got plenty of hair. But, how about a perm? I'll go with you and we can both get it done.” I have no doubt that Cliff would have gone – but where? Tekamah is a nine-hour drive for me. Cliff hates coming to Denver so when he does visit I know it is a sacrifice only a good friend would make. So, that leaves North Platte, Nebraska. It’s about half way between Tekamah and Denver. The only problem is, neither one of us knows of a good salon in North Platte. We don’t have to – neither one of us has that much hair. So, I took a different angle. . .
I decided to use one of those ‘Do it yourself’ kits. The one I picked promised a radiant full body finish for all hair types. The first step was putting in the gel to ensure the fullest body possible. This is a time consuming process, my wife, who was helping almost tripled the time required because of her laughter.

Next is the curling stage. Tiffany, who is home from college, helped here. This took a lot of time too. She kept complaining there was nothing to wrap around the curlers. Hey, if you don’t want to help me look beautiful I’ll find someone who does. (I hope she doesn’t quit because I have no idea who else I would get.)

Finally, the curlers are put in place. But, you need to wait for the gel and all that other ‘stuff’ to do its magic. So, . . .

You might as well get comfortable with a good book. This is the hardest part. The box said, “in as little as 45 minutes you will have a glowing, thick, luscious hair style". Forty-five minutes is a long time to have a net on your head while waiting for the gel to set.
Finally, it was done and the results were . . . well, pretty funny.
Cliff. I know you said you would go, but don’t worry, this will never happen again. A quote, which was made famous in your office at Thanksgiving, just happened – I took this one for the team.
Cliff ended his posted by saying,” Ralph, you've got plenty of hair. But, how about a perm? I'll go with you and we can both get it done.” I have no doubt that Cliff would have gone – but where? Tekamah is a nine-hour drive for me. Cliff hates coming to Denver so when he does visit I know it is a sacrifice only a good friend would make. So, that leaves North Platte, Nebraska. It’s about half way between Tekamah and Denver. The only problem is, neither one of us knows of a good salon in North Platte. We don’t have to – neither one of us has that much hair. So, I took a different angle. . .

Next is the curling stage. Tiffany, who is home from college, helped here. This took a lot of time too. She kept complaining there was nothing to wrap around the curlers. Hey, if you don’t want to help me look beautiful I’ll find someone who does. (I hope she doesn’t quit because I have no idea who else I would get.)

Finally, the curlers are put in place. But, you need to wait for the gel and all that other ‘stuff’ to do its magic. So, . . .

You might as well get comfortable with a good book. This is the hardest part. The box said, “in as little as 45 minutes you will have a glowing, thick, luscious hair style". Forty-five minutes is a long time to have a net on your head while waiting for the gel to set.
Finally, it was done and the results were . . . well, pretty funny.

I have not laughed this long and loud in such a long time,,Ralph you have out done us all here!!! I had to cover my mouth so as not to wake the girls from their up too late sleep in. OH MY GOSH it turned out BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!! still laughing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, oh wait I'll be back when I can get off the floor....HAAAAAAAAAAA
Bless your heart Ralph! I have tears from laughing so hard. Please don't ever take this post off your blog as I'll need to come back time and again ...and oh, I'm just too busy laughing to have made my day! You certainly are a kind brave man to do this! ...........Oh, I gotta get Kleenex.....HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
You are a MADman. It's no wonder Char walks around with a gun. That was hilarious.
Bwahahahhahahahah !!!!! You two are a hoot.
hahahahah- priceless post
Ralph, for fasion *sense* you needed to use the right GEL.
GEL... (Green-Eyed Lady)
You are a blog-god Ralph. I am on my knees, with my hands up and then bending to the ground. You win.
That is absolutely hilarious!!!
That first picture with your hair sticking up in all directions is just too funny for words.
I posted a gift for you. Hope you like it!!
Ralph, I laughed all day over your post. The best picture is the one of you with those curlers in your head. I mean the color of the curlers and there are so few of them, and that one on top only has about 5-6 hairs holding it in, and that look on your face! Priceless! You certainly have a sense of humor to post that on here! I went to the mall today by myself and I got tickled in one store while thinking about it and people were looking at me strange!
Hey Rachel, if you're the type that eats green olives, but you're not sure why, then try doing what I did. Put that picture of Ralph up as your background . I've got my icons arranged around his head. Just like the green olives, I'm not sure why I did, but I did.
What kind of chemicals did they use on your head?
Just a Mom - Sorry about waking the girls up.
Rachel - Thanks for the comments. Just for the record there were actually 7 hairs in the front curler. It's okay to laugh when your by yourself or at least thats what I tell myself when I do it.
Jerry - I know you went to visit Cliff I would have thought he would have told you that part.
Mike - Cliff and I do have a great when we get together even if it is in cyberspace.
Just help me - Glad you enjoyed it.
GEL - Just for the record I have no fashion sense. Fortunately, I married someone who does.
Cliff - ARISE and don't get down again. I think we both know I'm not even close to a saint much less a blog god. Don't tell Char I'm not a saint and let's see how long it takes her to figure it out.
Jamie - That was a hard picture to get just right. Thanks for the gift.
Dan - I don't know for sure but I bet they were stronger than anything you have in the body shop.
This is a sign of a real man. Yes indeedy. He is not at all insecure in his manhood.
He just leaves the rest of us wondering? ;-)
This is really great Ralph. I'm with the rest of them in that you gave me a great laugh.
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