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Thursday, October 29, 2009

Barbecue Postponed

I told Char I would barbecue chicken on Wednesday. That night even though she enjoyed the oven-fried chicken you could tell she was disappointed it wasn't barbecue. I thought I had some good reasons. . .

Reason One: I didn’t want to dig out the barbecue grill and wasn’t sure we had enough propane to heat it thoroughly.

Reason Two: I didn’t want to clear off the table on the deck.

There's 19 ¾ inches of snow on the table.

Reason Three: Even if I cleared off the table, I could have never gotten the chair cushions. Not only was snow piled on top of the cabinet it was frozen shut.

Yes, it snowed in Colorado. In fact, it is still snowing. It started late Tuesday night and hasn’t quit.

We won’t starve but barbecue is out of the question.


Blogger Cliff said...

That table/cooler looks ready to go. Deep enough this time to accommodate wine bottles. I'll be out. When Colorado freezes over. Looks like we're close.

5:39 PM  
Blogger Paul Nichols said...

I don't like the looks of that pretty stuff. We had almost that much rain since 4:00 am today. Whew-ee! It's wet around here

5:46 PM  
Blogger LZ Blogger said...

Ralph ~ This looks vaguely familiar... it won't be long before my deck looks just like that! It makes me want to grill out tomorrow night! (...while I still can)! ~ jb///

9:29 PM  
Blogger bobbie said...

Makes me cold just to look at it. I'm shivering now. Better go get some hot chocolate. The only white I want to see is the marshmallow on top.

5:28 AM  
Blogger Ramblings of a Villas Girl said...

Hi Ralph! All good reasons to not grill.
Sure hope that white stuff goes away soon. My friend is going to his son's next week. His son lives in Evergreen(Think I got the town right). Lisa

5:30 AM  
Blogger Rachel said...

Wow, when it snows it snows huh Ralph!! Snow that deep would shut us down around this town! It's been years since we've had one that deep.

Let it snow
Let it snow
Let it snow

Yep, Christmas is getting closer all the time!

12:39 PM  
Blogger Jamie Dawn said...

It PAINS me to see those pics!!
I do not like cold weather, and that includes snow. I only like snow on Christmas Eve and Day. That's it. No mas.
I think you gave some very compelling reasons for not barbecuing.
I do not have a new post up over at my blog. I'll try and get one up this weekend.
Happy Halloween! Eat lots of candy!
Give Char some truffles to make up for your lack of barbecuing. She will forgive both you and Mother Nature for making her eat oven cooked chicken.
I'm visiting blog buddies tonight, and it feels good to pop by again.
I was in CA for awhile and did not turn on my computer once while I was there.
Hello to Char from me. She is a sweetie and a beauty!

6:07 PM  
Blogger Cheyenne said...

I just got a chill and it won't go away. I wonder why. That stuff looks so vile and it will soon be in my area.

10:31 PM  

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