My First Sighting
But it’s winter and it’s cold so after a few quick pictures I headed back to the warmth of the house. I turned around to securing the sliding glass door when I saw it. I had met people who had seen U.F.O.’s (Unidentifiable Flying Objects) but I had never had that experience . . . at least until now.
It’s either that or the reflection of the kitchen light in the glass door. You be the judge.
sorry but I'me goin with the kitchen light.
Oh yeah, spectacular pics.
It's definitely a ufo, and you are definitely the type to see one! :)
Incredible pics! Becareful, I hear abductions are up.
Looks like a UFO to me. You got no argument out of this lady.
Huh. That was no jet trail, then....
Very nice sunrise shots.
...or a plate that Char threw at you for opening the door in such cold weather:)
Careful Ralph- they're scouting the territory before taking you away to meet their leader. Or perhaps they'd like you to teach them how to play golf? *G*
Ralph ~ Did you say that you were born in Area 51? ~ jb///
P.S. I hope all is well with you and Char.
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