Saturday we had a brief visit from Herman. It snowed Friday night leaving us a couple of inches of the white stuff. Saturday my good friend, Geno, who is eight, decided I needed a snowman in my yard. He did a great job of building “Herman” complete with a chocolate chip smile and a carrot nose. You can tell Herman enjoyed his visit just by his smile.

The weather turned warm with high’s in the upper 60’s. Herman had to cut his visit short. He only stayed about twenty minutes.
Ah, poor Herman. Why didn't you stick him in the freezer Ralph?? He was so cute too with his little chocolate chip smile all turned up to the sun. Geno did a good job. I love building snowmen and snow women!
RIP Herman.
Howdy Ralph and thanks for visiting my blog.
Hard to believe snow already. Please keep it all in your neck of the woods. I'm not ready for it yet.
Congrats on the book. How exciting! You are an author.
Never liked that guy anyway, he's cold-hearted.
Not only was his visit short, but it looks like he took the chocolate chips with him! Was it something you said?
wow herman looked like he was a steeler fan with his black and yellow hat!! it is so strange to see snow now. i lived 34 yrs with it and now only 1 yr without and it is so strange to me. i don't miss it at all. hope herman comes back to play with geno real soon.
Where can we send memorials?
Well,no one would argue that Herman was not a solid character in his day.
That's a handsome guy, Herman, that you and Geno made. It's a good thing he passed away for surely he would have frozen to death in that blizzard you just had. Four foot drifts! Wow!
How many chocolate chips does it take to kill a squirel? Just a few for some dogs.
Cliff Morrow bought my snow shovel at Dad's auction. I'm golfing this year on that sale. Next year's will come from the snow blower sale.
Congrats on the book! I'll look it over, I have a lot of catching up to do.
Thanks for checking on Billy's writings. He appreciated your liking his Dad's roses.
BTW we are back now! The rain is gone (your's from the snow storm) and it's 'cart path only' today. Mrs. Jim and I may play a little later on. Come down and play with us.
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