Nick of Time

. . . this was on the ground this morning. Most of the trees and shrubs still have their leaves. While I am not a big fan of snow, it is the time of year where in a couple of days it will all be gone. Then we can get back to golf.
Everyday events with a touch of insight and humor
Did you graduate with honors??
Snow!! It's really pretty. Reminds me of Christmas. It was in the 70's here today. I went to a lunch and we all ate on the screened in porch. It was perfect weather!
There is a season besides hot? The snow sure looks pretty. Hope you get some more good golf time in before it stays on the ground for an extended period of time.
I was in Colorado Springs doing some work in the 80s and it snowed a bunch one weekend in October. It was in the 70s before and after that snow. Weird weather out there.
Glad we made it through just in time.
Nate is taller and better looking than you. Ah... the advantages of marrying up.
Nate is taller and better looking than you. Ah... the advantages of marrying up.
man congrats on the graduation but that sucks about the snow. i don't miss that at all.
Say you didn't share who was Magna Cum Laude and who was honored with Summa Cum Laude! You should have got a pool going on the date of the first snow, too.
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