Fun Day
Between getting ready for the wedding, trying to spruce up the yard, finishing the basement, and just life in general we have been really busy. These are the things that have been keeping us busy but it seems like everyone is extremely busy this time of year.
So on Thursday we decided to have a fun day. It started with a trip to Estes Park so Jason could be in the mountains. Although it looked like rain throughout most of the day, we never received any. In fact, the temperature at Estes Park was ninety-two degrees.
Our first stop was the Stanley Hotel. I guess part of the movie, ‘The Shining’ was filmed here. They recently decided to capitalize on this fact and now charge for parking so you can walk the grounds and go through the gift shop. Most of the hotel is off limits unless you stay there.
Then it was off for a walk through town. Estes Park is a tourist town full of gift shops and specialty stores. Not being a big shopping fan, I decided to take a little rest.
After shopping, it was time to see some wildlife. This picture of the elk was taken without using the zoom feature of my camera. Yes, we were that close. While that might sound impressive . . . .
. . . these pictures were taken in the center of town. These elk have no fear of people and unfortunately many people have no fear of the elk. Some people were actually trying to get close enough to pet them. Not smart.
After a nice picnic in Estes, we headed to Fort Collins where we toured the Budweiser brewery and the grounds. Here is a picture of Tiffany and Jason posing for a picture. An amazing amount of beer is made at this plant and it's just one of many Budweiser plants.
One of the many attractions is the Clydesdales horses. These are amazingly tall animals. The Fort Collins location is the training grounds for these horses.
After the tour, and a visit to the Clydesdales it was off to the tasting room. Tiffany and Jason were two of the people selected to do a taste test on unknown beers. Here they are performing the duty of looking at the clarity of the beverage.
Following all this, we headed home and stopped and had a nice dinner. It was a much needed “fun day” as the countdown to the wedding has begun.

Following all this, we headed home and stopped and had a nice dinner. It was a much needed “fun day” as the countdown to the wedding has begun.
Those two look like Oh-fish-all beer tasters. Glad you were able to squeeze in some family fun before the big day.
What a great time. And you sure got some good pictures! I like your new 'chair," LOL
Ralph, I'm glad you had a fun day with the family! Looks like you found the right place to park your butt!!
That is a pretty hotel. Very neat and clean looking.
I have never seen an elk before.
Love the Clydesdales!! I have seen those before!!
I'm sure things are super busy with the wedding fast approaching! Hang in there Ralph!!
What a great day!
A friend of mine got married at the Stanley Hotel a few years ago. It really is beautiful. I wish I could have stayed there, but at that time I'm not sure that I could even afford the parking. Luckily there are some not-as-beautiful hotels in the area.
I'm glad you got some R&R in.
Is Cliff on the way?
Batten down the hatches...
Hi Ralph, yes, Estes Park is a fun place to visit. I would like to be there more often.
Like your pictures, those beer tasters look like amateurs to me. But they are great on the picture posing.
Best wishes to the couple on the wedding and to the parents.
I'm sure you have all things are probably in order for the Morrows too, so say hi to them for us.
Wow sounds like you all had a fab day. I loved you sitting on your butt. heheheehe
Everyone needs a fun day. I need one everyday but it doesn't always happen.
Take care xx
It sounds like a blast! It's necessary to take some time off from the frustrations of wedding planning. It allows the couple to remember that they actually do kind of like each other when not deciding on colors and the age-old question: live music or DJ?
It also reduces the amount of times their friends and family mutter under their breath, "I wish they'd just elope."
Best wishes to you all as you prepare for this amazing day! :0)
The picture of the mountains is amazing. I LOVE mountain paintings and photos.
The picture of your butt is in the right place, sitting on the BUTTS canister.
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