After The Wedding
Okay, I’ll admit it. . . I’m still a little tired after the wedding. It was a lot of fun but an exhausting time. I hope to get caught up on my blog reading shortly.
You might be interested in a few more wedding pictures and the events after the wedding. If so . . . .
Following the wedding the reception was great. Both Desiree and Nathan deserve a lot of credit for putting the final touches on the this event as well.
Father Cliff and Father in Law Ralph in a deep discussion about religious matters - well, maybe not.
DILOR (Daughter In Law Of Ralph) decided it was time to dawn the John Deere attire.

Before you even ask. . .yes, alcohol was involved.

And what's a party without a little spontaneous karaoke?

Somewhere along the way line dancing started in the lobby.
You might be interested in a few more wedding pictures and the events after the wedding. If so . . . .
Char adjusting the back of Desiree's dress. By now Desiree had to be wondering what is the problem with the back of this dress? It should be pointed out, once Nathan was dressed not one Groomsman adjusted anything.
Before you even ask. . .yes, alcohol was involved.
And what's a party without a little spontaneous karaoke?
Somewhere along the way line dancing started in the lobby.
I'm no longer a party animal, neither was my co-best man.
The following day, back at our homestead Mr. and Mrs. opened their wedding gifts.
It's obvious - a really great time was had by all!
Happy memories were made.
This post made me laugh so hard!
The dam adjusting...There was alot of that going on. WOMEN I tell ya.
Tiffany... My sweet Tiffany. She had a good time and she told us months befor she was going to have the time of her life! SHE DID!
Father Cliff and Marilyn SLEEPING! What the heck....
Have to bring a little farm to the city, what better way then with a foam John Deere hat.
The karaoke was fun... Even if we were all three words behind the song.
Watching Nathan dance...well let's just say you don't see that much.
I have to agree I think that party animal was tested in each of us.
Once again great post!
Now I see how you guys are. While we were carrying wedding presents into your house, you guys were just getting cranked up.
Looks like a very happy day.....
Now that's a beautiful memory. Love the co-best man tanked out.
Ralph ~ How nice for Desiree and Nathan. It looks like a wonderful day with everyone all dressed up for the event and Desiree looks like a gorgeous and happy bride. Aren't weddings wonderful? I think I told you that our youngest son got married this summer too? I am so happy that everything went so well. A day full of happy memories! CONGRATULATIONS to everyone... especially Desiree and Nathan! ~ jb///
Your family has all the fun. Do you have any kids left that will marry me or My First Wife?
That wedding sure looked like a lot of fun. I wish I coulda been there. I'm gonna have to zip over to Illinois to see those kids one of these days!
You got them all married off, huh? Good for you!
Will you have to marry off the neighbor kid too? He reminds me of the neighbor kid that follows Dagwood around so much.
From what you wrote and from all the pictures, it seems like everyone had a really good time. I enjoyed reading about it, too.
Ahhh...what a fun time! Wish I could have been there too!
I sure enjoyed all the pictures. Desiree looks lovely!
Everyone looks great! It looks like you tuckered out Father Cliff and Marilyn though!
I'm SO happy for the bride and groom and all the family and friends!!!!
What a great wedding!!!!!
God bless you all.
What a great recap. I loved the pictures and the telling.
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