
Over the past few years, wind farms have sprung up across the United States. These farms have as many as 100-500 wind turbines. Each turbine is a large tower with three blades. These blades start turning when the wind speed reaches 10 – 12 miles per hour. As the blades catch the wind, it turns rotors that produce electricity. Each turbine is connected to an electric transmission grid.
So, if I were to become a farmer in Colorado I would most likely own a wind farm. Then, as a way to supplement my income, I would build a large room under the turbines, put in a large table, comfortable chairs, and a coffee pot. I have to set through a lot of meetings full of hot air and idle chit-chat – those blades would spin like crazy. Who knows, I could become a millionaire.
Don't forget to include a large mailbox by each turbine so the government can send you your subsidy check for each farm.
You are a genius my friend. I'm thinking about hiring someone to do my thinking for me. You might be the man. Oh, the pays not good.
I saw one of these in northern Indiana last weekend. I didn't know we had any here. I'd like to see some of these on our farm. It could generate the power to run the drying fans on the corn bins. We've certainly got enough wind to run them.
What great entrepeneurial spirit you have! I especially love the image of the meetings taking place, producing all of that hot air. *G*
Sounds like a great idea... but I would miss the neighbors!
To My First Wife and me, those turbines are almost surreal, especially the ones along I-40 near Guthrie, Oklahoma. Dozens of them. But they sure are a good idea.
It would take longer, but if a little windmill could be installed on church pulpits...
Well Ralph, you do know why the wind always blows towards Colorado don't you? Because the Colorado Buffalos Suck.
why not invest in ultracapacitors that are used to trim the blades. you can live where you want and your money will be in the wind.
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