Gone . . . again

Here is a picture of Char giving Tiffany a kiss goodbye yesterday. We all went to breakfast then Char went to work. I took Tiffany and Jason (a friend of Tiffany’s) to the airport to go back to school. Spring break has come to an end.
Earlier this week we had a surprise birthday party for Jason. Our son, Nathan, came over for it. After the party, Nathan went back to his house. A few days later Tiffany went back to school.
Now I know you are suppose raise kids to be responsible, self-sufficient adults - but come on! You put all that time and effort into them, they show up, you have a few laughs, eat a few meals, and ... bam! They’re gone – again.
However, there is a difference between kids and hair. Kids (and they will always be your “kids”) will return. Hair on the other hand is gone forever.
Do you think there is a correlation between 1.raising kids, and 2 losing hair??
Hair today, gone tomorrow!
All true about kids if you had GOOD kids.
A very good friend of mine once said, My Mother taught me at a very young age, you grow up, move out and visit." He went on to say, " I can't imagine still living with my Mother or my WHOLE entire life revolving around my mother, at 40,and she wouldn't want it to, but it would be nice to have her with me sometimes." We had this discussion a few weeks ago, and my friend is and always was the tough independent sort, just like his mother, who is now in her late 70's early 80's. So if that is any indication of how long he will live, well more power to him! If your kids are like you Ralph, they will be funny, sensitive and very observant and will live to see you loose all of your hair, and you will live to see them loose theirs!
Somehow it still remains difficult for me to see my kids go each time, but I have learned that they do show back up at least once a year... and some of them much more often than that!
Rachel's comment is funny.
Aren't kids just the BEST thing ever?!!!
I'm glad Tiffany was home for a visit.
We love ya, Ralph. With or without hair.
...and you love it when they come home to visit.
I'm one of the fortunate ones. I have all my original hair; however, it is nowhere near the same color I started out with.
Two of my daughters are coming to town this coming weekend to attend a 'scrapbooking' convention. We get to have brunch with them on Sunday morning. And they're not even bringing the grandkids! Ack!
Haha .. unless you put it in a box, that is.
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