A MASTERS Fairy Tale
When I was six, I noticed that all the stories I really liked started with “Once upon a time” and had happy endings. This one is no different.
Once upon a time, there were two young people named Ralph and Char. They were married and had two young children named Nathan and Tiffany. One day while in the kitchen Char announced, “I am going to back to school.” Those words started a long, but fruitful journey.
Char did go back to school but it wasn’t always an easy journey. The kids were young, her husband was gone a lot, and she was also working. But one day Char graduated with her Bachelors degree.
She took the next several years and raised the kids, taught school and became a great teacher. Teaching at a few different schools, and dealing with different situations at each. She kept learning and kept teaching.
Then one day the Nathan and Tiffany were no longer at home. Once again, Char announced, “I am going back to school.” These words also started another journey.
Even though the kids were gone other challenges were there. Char’s dad came to stay with Char with Ralph, yet, while it wasn't easy, she continued with school. Sometime (okay, a lot of times Ralph was a jerk) but she stayed in school. Then one day Char graduated with her MASTERS degree in counseling.
Even though this story started with “Once upon a time” and had a happy conclusion. There are a few things that aren’t told. First of all, the story is not over. It won’t be for hopefully a long time.
Secondly, it is hard to express how proud I am of her. Not just for the degree, which is a remarkable achievement, but for her willingness to stick with it through some extremely difficult circumstance along the way. She is a remarkable woman.
Third, while I am not downplaying the degrees she has earned in any way. She has done far more than that to leave her legacy. She raised, single handily at time, two great kids. Then through her teaching, she has touched the lives of many, many other young people. It’s fun to go with her to a store or restaurant. You’ll often hear things like, “Mrs. Campbell do you remember the time. . . “, “Mrs. Campbell I remember what you told me back . . . “, “Mrs. Campbell because of you . . . “ I lot of lives have been touched and influenced by what she does.
So all I can say is congratulations on your Masters degree Char. Congratulations on the lives you have touched and difference you have made in this world. And most of all, thanks for being my wife.
Once upon a time, there were two young people named Ralph and Char. They were married and had two young children named Nathan and Tiffany. One day while in the kitchen Char announced, “I am going to back to school.” Those words started a long, but fruitful journey.
Char did go back to school but it wasn’t always an easy journey. The kids were young, her husband was gone a lot, and she was also working. But one day Char graduated with her Bachelors degree.
She took the next several years and raised the kids, taught school and became a great teacher. Teaching at a few different schools, and dealing with different situations at each. She kept learning and kept teaching.

Even though the kids were gone other challenges were there. Char’s dad came to stay with Char with Ralph, yet, while it wasn't easy, she continued with school. Sometime (okay, a lot of times Ralph was a jerk) but she stayed in school. Then one day Char graduated with her MASTERS degree in counseling.
Even though this story started with “Once upon a time” and had a happy conclusion. There are a few things that aren’t told. First of all, the story is not over. It won’t be for hopefully a long time.
Secondly, it is hard to express how proud I am of her. Not just for the degree, which is a remarkable achievement, but for her willingness to stick with it through some extremely difficult circumstance along the way. She is a remarkable woman.
Third, while I am not downplaying the degrees she has earned in any way. She has done far more than that to leave her legacy. She raised, single handily at time, two great kids. Then through her teaching, she has touched the lives of many, many other young people. It’s fun to go with her to a store or restaurant. You’ll often hear things like, “Mrs. Campbell do you remember the time. . . “, “Mrs. Campbell I remember what you told me back . . . “, “Mrs. Campbell because of you . . . “ I lot of lives have been touched and influenced by what she does.
So all I can say is congratulations on your Masters degree Char. Congratulations on the lives you have touched and difference you have made in this world. And most of all, thanks for being my wife.
Very nice fairy tale Ralph. You are right to be very proud of Char. Great photo of the family. Ah yes, marrying up worked for me too.
Ah, what a great story Ralph. I can see why you are so proud of her. You have a lovely family indeed!
I can see it coming, Ralph. Char is getting to be notorious, you will probably have to get out of town (move away).
All those local eyes are on her!
(Well, maybe she isn't like you?)
I've been there (moving away from a good reputation), so stay where you are as long as you can and enjoy.
Congrats Char! With your many gifts and talents you will continue to make the world a better place through the lives of your young students....Okie Sis
What a wonderful story. You have a beautiful family. Congratulations agin to Char! Have a wonderful day!
Thanks for Ralph for your kind words! I couldn't have done it without YOU!
Nice job of recognition Ralph. And Char - applause, applause, applause!!!
oh ralph that was so touching. how very nice of you to say those things. i hope you also told her those things to her face, it would mean a lot. congrats again to char!!
And hopefully they all lived happily ever after.
Congratulations Char!
Congratulations Char! Your story is an inspiring one. Thanks for your example, and best wishes! :0)
Once again: Congratulations!
Nicely put, Ralph. Nicely put.
Glad that you posted such a nice tribute to Char, Cliff. It is a fitting one, it seems. Congrats! Just to let you know, I have posted again, and will when the mood strikes me, I let the gray matter rest now and again, and now it is raring to go!
Congratulations to Char! What a sweet post. It's nice to know that there are some men out there that truly love and appreciate their wives.
What a great post, I can't believe it's here and she's graduated! A big congratulations to you Char!!!!!
And bravo on the writing about it Ralph. :)
What a great story, and a lot of perseverance.
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