Mean Lucky
There is a lot to write about but it will have to wait for a day or so. Geno has been coming over wanting to hear the comments left on his story,’The Schoolers Against the Avalanche’. He was happy and I quote,”nobody said anything mean.” I explain that people who read my blog were really nice people and he liked that.
So, Geno, who is eight, stayed up late one night to write another story. I told him I would post it. Please take a few minutes, read Geno’s story, and if you would leave your comments addressed to him. He will most likely respond. Thanks.
Once there was three friends named Lauren, Donovan, and Geno. One day they went to the forest. Suddenly, they ran into a leprechaun.
“Sorry laddies. My name is Lucky.”
“Our names are Donovan, Lauren, and Geno.”
“I’ll give you each one wish.”
But, they did not know Lucky was a mean Leprechaun.
“I wish for a car,” said Donovan. A car appeared suddenly and chased him and when Donovan wasn’t looking he ran into a tree.
“I wish for a cat,” said Lauren. And the cat chased her up a tree and made her fall out.
It was Geno’s turn.
“What do you want lad?”
“I want a robot.” And suddenly a robot was destroying the forest. Suddenly Geno heard a crushing sound.
“Where did Lucky go?”
“He got squashed,” said Donovan. So did the car and the cat.
And they lived happily ever after.
The End.
So, Geno, who is eight, stayed up late one night to write another story. I told him I would post it. Please take a few minutes, read Geno’s story, and if you would leave your comments addressed to him. He will most likely respond. Thanks.

“Sorry laddies. My name is Lucky.”
“Our names are Donovan, Lauren, and Geno.”
“I’ll give you each one wish.”
But, they did not know Lucky was a mean Leprechaun.
“I wish for a car,” said Donovan. A car appeared suddenly and chased him and when Donovan wasn’t looking he ran into a tree.
“I wish for a cat,” said Lauren. And the cat chased her up a tree and made her fall out.
It was Geno’s turn.
“What do you want lad?”
“I want a robot.” And suddenly a robot was destroying the forest. Suddenly Geno heard a crushing sound.
“Where did Lucky go?”
“He got squashed,” said Donovan. So did the car and the cat.
And they lived happily ever after.
The End.
i just love your story. i can't wait to read more of them. the picture is great too.
That's a good story, Geno!
Ralph, he likes the trees, do you think there might be room for him where you are when he is ready for a job.
Next week our nine-year granddaughter (Karen Jr.) is spending the night with us.
She writes stories, maybe she will do one for us.
Ralph, you sure did narrow down the location of my building. USA.
Ha! Geno, you are a literary genius. Wonderful story.
Ralph, your postings are still wonderful. :)
Great Story Geno! I am so glad that you wrote another one for our friend Ralph! He needs to let you post a lot more often. Keep up the good work, proud of you kiddo!
Geno's doing the talking, I'm doing the typing. Here are Geno's comments.
1 plus twins - I will probably make more. Thank You.
Jim - I hope your granddaughter writes you a story and your dream will come true.
Christa - Thank You.
Miki - I will probably write more stories. Ralph likes them too. Thank You.
Hey Geno, this was a great story. Keep up the good work. Uh, I'm a farmer and would like you to make sure a farmer is in your next story. Bye for now.
A surprise plot twist right at the end. I love it. Good work, Geno!
Now that's what I call an excellent story! Geno, you're very talented, not only as an author but also as an illustrator. I look forward to any future stories and pictures you share with us. Thanks! :0)
Ralph is typing, Geno is talking. Following is what Geno said:
Cliff - I'll try to make a farmer story just for you.
Jerry - Make sure you don't get squashed.
aravis - it took all night to write that story. The picture only took a minute.
Ralph,, I know it has been a while but I am reading really. I need your help can you stop by?
Ralph is typing, Geno is writing.
Rachel - Make sure your not a Lucky Charm.
I like your stories and hope you write more.
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