Home Away From Home

At home I get up and make a pot of coffee. I do the same at the Morrow’s.
At home I go to bed when I am tired. I do the same at the Morrow’s.
At home I know where the adult beverages are stored. Yeah, I do at the Morrow’s as well.
At home when I can’t sleep I get up and watch TV. Same at the Morrow’s.
At home when I need some “space”, I walk outside. This happens at the Morrow’s as well.
At home I want something to eat I open the refrigerator and get. True at the Morrow’s.
At home I like to cook. Okay, at the Morrow’s I love to cook, Cliff and I cook about the same way.
At home when I can’t find something I look through the kitchen until I do. I do the same at the Morrow’s.
At home I can kick back and relax. Same at the Morrow’s.
We really had a GREAT visit with Cliff and Marilyn and everyone who graced there home over the past few days. And believe me quite a few people passed through their home.
The only way I could feel any more at home at the Morrow’s would be to pay the mortgage.
Well Ralph, you are such make a good looking foursome. I see that Cliff is beside Char and Marilyn beside you! :) You are all looking mighty fine.
I'm so glad you had a terrific visit. It seems that you are completely at home at the Morrow's, and that's the way it should be. I wish I could have been there. Maybe someday!
I'll be looking forward to more pictures about your visit. I hope you took more!!
Did you happen to tear anything up while you were there???
Cliff is such a great host that I'm sure he'd let you pay the mortgage if that would make you feel more relaxed! :-)
You couldn't have had as much fun as we did. You are great guests. My banker said to tell you he'd be in touch about the mortgage.
I think it's the laughter. That's what it is.
Ralph and Char... we so enjoyed having you and thanks for all the cooking you and Cliff did. That took away alot of the work from Char and me. You and Char are the greatest! So many laughs!!
I think that Cliff and Marilyn would love it if you paid the mortgage. So next time that you go, you should offer! It seems as if you had a wonderful time, and I am glad.
It's wonderful when you can visit with friends and feel so at home. I'm glad you all had such a terrific Thanksgiving!
Is this the police line-up for cheating at pictionary? We had a lot of good times this weekend, thanks for everything.
Wishing to be friends is quick work, but friendship is a slow ripening fruit. It’s clear that the four of you have the ultimate cultivar. Cliff’s post and photos shared what a wonderful Thanksgiving you all shared. Well worth the drive, I’d say – a treasured time.
Hey,, yep it has been awhile. I am so glad to see friends getting together. you all look great! hope the rest of hte holidays are good for you and yours.
The Morrows should own a Bed & Breakfast. It really is a slice of heaven out there.
Great pic of the four of you.
Knowing how much you enjoy each other's company and seeing the photos made me smile and chuckle a bit. My side hurst just thinking about all of the laughter that must have taken place! You are all very lucky to have such a wonderful friendship!
Ralph, what is that building behind you that looks like the roof goes down to the ground???
Sounds as though it was worth every mile of driving you did to get there.
Glad to hear you had a good time. Nice picture of ya'll.
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