Making Hay

The other morning I was flying down the interstate at about 75 MPH and glanced off to the right and saw these hay bales. I got off at the next exit and backtracked down the frontage road just to get a picture of them.
When Char and I were on vacation at Bryce Canyon and Zion National Park I had to stop and take a picture of hay bales outside of Tropic, Utah. All those natural wonders and I’m on the side of the road taking a picture of hay.
But, this is one of my favorites. It was outside a fruit stand in Palisade. It stood about twenty-five feet tall.
Most likely constructed by someone else who is fascinated with hay bales.
Is that a giant Mrs. Claus? Or is it a giant farm lady? OH my!
Well, hay bales can be beautiful too, can't they?
Wow, someone felt creative! *G*
Someone else had the same attraction, Ralph.
I know what you mean about hay bales Ralph. I like them too. I really like the creative way someone fixed that up in the last picture!! Very nice!!
ok i don't really get into hay bales but i saw cotton bales on sat. they were really neat!! next time i will take a picture for you!
I like hay bales better since they started making them too big to throw by hand.
Where's her boyfriend? She shouldn't have to alone in this world.
Yes, I like vineyards too...especially what comes out of them.
You just need to come out to Indiana during the wheat harvest. We'll put you to work on the hay wagon. I can guarantee you'll get over your fascination with bales of straw (or hay).
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