Friday, February 25, 2005


My self-esteem has always been a little high, so has my ego. But here lately both seem to have taken a beating. So, I am really glad yesterday happened.

I, and several other people, showed up for a meeting. For twenty minutes we sat there drinking coffee making idle chit-chat only to be informed that the so-called ‘communication’ expert failed to tell us the meeting had been canceled. This made me smile.

The meeting was not a total waste however. One of the people was an attorney. He had just been served papers informing him he was being sued. He couldn’t understand why anyone would want to sue him. This made me chuckle.

Then that evening I met with two accountants both from the same firm. They had each received the forms I sent them, yet they had different answers. Answers that were far different from mine. As it turns out when we “did the math” my answer was two dollars off, I thought a 7 was a 9. One was off by several hundred dollars, the other never told us stating it really didn’t matter. Both blamed it on computer error. This made we laugh.

We go through life with all these self-proclaimed experts, putting a great deal of faith in them because they “know what they are doing”. The lesson here is simple - trust yourself first, ‘experts’ should be somewhere down the list. Way down the list.


Blogger Christa said...

:) Experts rarely are.

Clever post.

8:28 AM  
Blogger Cliff said...

Remember Ralph, they say the arc was built by amatuers but the Titanic was built by experts.

9:24 PM  
Blogger Gel said...

Sage post & well done.

4:05 AM  

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