. . . you have a revelation and your wife confirms it.
We had been away from home from twelve days. We spent most of the day driving and were setting at a red light less than a mile from the house. That’s when I turn to Char and said, “We ought to take a trip.” She asked me where I wanted to go. “How about we go out to see the kids and stop by Cliff and Marilyn’s?” And with that, the events of the past twelve days started to replay in my mind.

We had gone out to Illinois to see Nathan and Desiree and to our surprise Tiff and Jason drove down from Chicago. We spent a few days together and had a lot of fun.

We went on paddleboats and even with the wind had a lot of fun. This was a great idea dreamed up by Nathan and Desiree.

This might explain why they like the paddleboats so much.

We went to see the traveling Vietnam Memorial Wall. It just seemed like the right thing to do with Independence Day rapidly approaching. It was a somber experience.

Then it was off to Blogstock. Much had to be done in preparation for Blogstock including moving hay. The hay was cut, baled, and needed to be moved prior to being rained on. Here Desiree and Cliff are loading a roll of hay that weighs close to 3,500 pounds.

The float frame was made. The engineering of this framework was a work of art. Cliff and I constructed it so it would stand the test of time or a strong wind which ever comes first. The highlight was when I was on a ladder trying to attach a board and the trailer started swaying. I looked at Cliff who was laughing and he said something to the effect of, “I’m sorry. I’m sorry but the last time I saw a face like that Marilyn was giving birth.” Anyway, we got it built.

Later that night it was off to dinner and karaoke. Here Terry Anderson and Cliff are belting out a song.

The fourth of July had arrived! The float was ready and all the bloggers posed for a few (all right – a lot of pictures) in front of the float. From left to right you have Janell. Cliff, Ralph, Desiree, Lazy Blogger, Jerry,Rachel, Jamie Dawn, Nora, and Jim.

Tekamah, a town with a population of about 1,800, had swollen and main street was lined with people waiting for the parade. There was a lot of cheering and clapping as each float passed by. The crowd truly made you feel special.

Following the parade, it was off to the winery where Phil and June Simpson put on a feast for all of us. While Cliff and I were somewhat nervous because our numbers kept increasing for the luncheon, Phil and June somehow made sure there was plenty of food for everyone.

Then it was time to head to the command center of Blogstock ’08 - a.k.a. the Morrow farm.

Bloggers gathered under the tent to talk, tell stories, and just visit with one another. It was a great setting and a great time.

Julie Morrow was a trooper behind the scenes giving horse rides to the adults. Some of these people had never been on a horse before and Julie was patient and helped them all have a great experience.

Pony rides were also available for the kids and as you can see all the little ‘hams’ took part.

Not enough to do? How about a ride on the four-wheeler. The kids and a few adults took part and all seemed to have a great, great time.

But wait – it was about visiting and getting to know one another which happened under the big top.

There was even a time to sign one another’s blog book. Here's Janell, Jerry and Nora signing one of the books.

July 4th was Independence Day but July 5th was Jerry’s birthday. Rachel had made Jerry a cake and all of us enjoyed it.
At the stoplight, I looked at Char who was staring at me with a smile on her face. She said, “You’re ready to go back aren't you?” The light turned green and I started for home thinking to myself – Yes, yes I am.
More blogstock posts to come.