With all due respect to Rhodent, occasionally a bad mouse does surface. That was the case Friday morning when I walked into the office. The first thing I had to deal with was a dead mouse. Seems like my mouse went belly up.
Hey Ralph, my old boss use to put out poison for the mice. Then we would have to put up with the smell because we couldn't find them. Shortly after, there happened to be 3 or 4 dead mice under the bottom drawer of his desk. I don't know how they got there, but they stunk.
Be careful Ralph, for every dead one you see, there are 100 live ones you can't see.
ps, throw it out quick, before it starts to smell.
Poor wee mousie. Did you give it a proper burial? *G*
LOL! OK Ralph... I will have to do a special post just for you!
Ah, the dead mouse. They are plain useless dead!
I thought mine had died one time. Turned out it wasn't dead. Just dirty.
Hey Ralph, my old boss use to put out poison for the mice. Then we would have to put up with the smell because we couldn't find them. Shortly after, there happened to be 3 or 4 dead mice under the bottom drawer of his desk. I don't know how they got there, but they stunk.
Did you check the batteries?
What a mystery, who killed the mouse, Sherlock Ralph?
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