Memory Loss and Almost Light
For the past couple of months people have been in my backyard and throughout my house doing various things in preparation for the wedding. Yes, yes, I know – Char says it too – it’s not just for the wedding. But, during these trying times, it's hard to remember that.
Last night I made a list of things I have to do. There are twenty-eight items on that list. The last two are of great interest to me, purchase a new smoker and purchase a wine rack. Finally, I realized Char was right, those two items will be beneficial after the wedding.
I also think the hustle and bustle is starting to get to Char. Just the other night she snapped at me. All I said was. . . “Next time I go into town I need to pick up . . . wait. . .never mind, I live in town.” Of course, I said it close to fifty times that day.