This was the headline of the paper today. It’s startling as well as hard to comprehend. The newspaper did a good job of trying to explain how much money that is. But, I can’t envision a stack of pennies circling the earth 119 times.
I have a hard time comprehending any number with twelve zero’s behind it. So, using my big button calculator, I created my own math equation.
If I were to be cloned and each clone was paid what I am currently making there would be more than 44,778,000 “little Ralph’s” running around. To break it down even further, “little Ralph’s” could populate the state where I live ten times (a good thing if it’s an election year).
I like myself and have absolutely no doubt a few more Ralph clones sprinkled throughout the country would be a good thing. But, seriously the thought of having 44 million clones of me – well, that scares even me.
Now for the important question - do you have time to read 44,778,000 more blogs?