Writing, Reading, and Arithmetic

Writing – While Cliff and I both have a book, neither one of them has really taken off the way we had hoped. Okay, they really haven’t taken off and I guess that’s what we expected.
Reading – Following the book signing, Dan requested I read a story. Not wanting to disappoint the huge crowd that had gathered I agreed. Then Cliff read a story. Next thing you know Cliff was reading one of the poems from his book. Of course, I had to read one too – the only one in my book. Cliff and I both concluded we write better than we read. But the crowd, all eight of them, took it in stride.

Arithmetic - Cliff wrote, “We decided that since we had personally purchased all of the books that people went home with, there was going to be a limit to this activity.” We agreed that writing a book and giving it away is a good way to go broke.
At the conclusion of the signing and the reading, the crowd was stunned when we announced that neither of us has heard from Oprah.