Bloggers Four

At first glance, you might think this is a country band, The Bloggers Four. If it were, we would have Dan on the left. Dan heads up the brass section. Mainly because he owns a collision center and brass is as close to metal as I could get. Next is Marty on lead guitar. He has more musical ability then the rest of us and is directly or indirectly responsibly for getting us to start blogging. Holding the rake is Cliff. He is lead vocalist, inspired by being Chair of the County Board of Supervisors. Then there is me, I’ll take tickets at the concerts since I have no musical ability but have always wanted to be in a band.
You may have heard some of our hit recordings: “A One Match Bon Fire is How the Barn Burnt Down” and “Hot Coals and Hot Dogs”. Certainly, by now you have to be familiar with our platinum recording – “Just Another Day on the Morrow Farm”.
Okay, the truth is this picture was taken at the Morrow farm the day after Thanksgiving. All four of us have blogs so you can imagine how many stories were told and how many ideas for future stories were captured. Check out Dan, Marty, and Cliff’s sites and see what they had to say about this picture.