The sentences started the same way but the endings varied. Throughout 2007, I made a lot of statements that started, “If a year ago, someone would have told me. . .”
. . .DOR (Daughter of Ralph) and SILOR (Son in Law of Ralph) would be engaged and then married - I would have been shocked then happy. I’m not sure any father is ever ready for that day.
. . .SOR (Son of Ralph) would move to the Midwest - I would have been sad then happy. Sad because I didn’t want him to move (I was starting to get where I could almost beat him at golf) and I didn’t want him to be out there by himself. But, happy about the move to the Midwest because SORSO entered our lives.
. . .I would be playing golf with SOR and SILOR in Illinois - I would have hoped to beat them. That didn’t happen.
. . .Char would be right about having the basement finished and how much I would like it when it was done - that wouldn’t have surprised me. She is usually right about things like that.
. . .I would show a seven year old how super hero’s jump - I would not have believed it. The jump was made off a coffee table in my living room. It gave us all a good laugh.
. . . I would use one of my magical Komacalli (pronounced kom-a – call - i) bandages on a seven year old to make it magically quit hurting - I wouldn’t have been surprised. After all that is what magical Band-Aids are suppose to do.
. . .Cliff and Marilyn would make two trips to Denver to help us with celebrations - I wouldn't have been surprised. That is just like Cliff and Marilyn.
. . .the only time I would ever see Cliff sweat was when he had just finished cooking breakfast for a basketball team, only to realize lunch was rapidly approaching - that made me laugh.
. . .how hard I would laugh at SILOR when he saw an elk in the center of a town - I would have believed it.
. . .Char and I would take a 2,200-mile road trip to the Midwest - I’m not sure I would have believed it. But, I’m ready to do it again.
. . .the amount of time I would spend laughing with and at SORSO - I would have believed it. She really likes to laugh.
. . I would jump on a trampoline with a teenager and a seven year old and do so without breaking anything - I would have been grateful.
. . .that mastering guitar hero is a piece of cake - I’d know that was a lie. I never did get very good at it.
. . . how much we would smile when entering DOR’s classroom for the first time – I would have believed it.
. . .Char and I would celebrate Thanksgiving in Chicago and DOR would prepare a great meal - I’m not sure I would have believed that. It was just a year ago, her idea of gourmet food was boxed macaroni and cheese.
. . .how hard I would laugh as I watched SOR and SORSO walk into McDonalds on Thanksgiving morning all dressed up – I’d believed that.
. . .DOR and SILOR, SOR and SORSO, and Char and I would be on top the Sears Tower - I might not have believed that. That was great day of sight seeing in Chicago.
. . .I would be a little sad when Christmas got here - I wouldn’t have believed that. I had to stop being Santa to a couple of special kids a few hundred miles away and some kids in the neighborhood. But, Valentines Day and Easter are just around the corner.
. . .that Char and I would have Christmas with all the kids via a web cam - I wouldn’t have believed it. Fortunately, Char knew how to hook it all up.
2007 will go down as a year of change and great memories.